Eleven Tips To Protect Your Identity When Travelling

Posted on 05/17/2017

Here are eleven tips for travellers to keep their identity secure while travelling and help ensure the trip runs smoothly:

Notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans.

  • Most banks and credit card companies now place freezes on accounts when they see suspicious activity like out-of-country use as a means to help prevent fraud.

Limit the amount of cash you take or have on you.

  • Travelling with large amounts of cash should be restricted where possible. If required keep to a minimum the amount that is visible when completing transactions. A certain amount of cash is normally required as not all businesses accept credit cards.

Clean out your wallet and before leaving.

  • Remove any receipts and expired cards, along with anything else you don’t absolutely need to carry while travelling.

Choose credit cards over debit cards.

  • The use of credit cards is considered safe in most countries. You may want to consider having a special card with a small limit for most miscellaneous transactions. Should it get compromised less damage can occur. The use of credit cards is a better option than debit. If your card numbers ever get into the wrong hands, most credit card companies will quickly reverse or cover fraudulent charges, while recovering funds from your drained bank account can be more complicated.

Be cautious when using ATMs.

  • Always inspect the machine carefully before inserting your card and shield the keypad when entering your PIN. The safest ATMs are attached to banks in well-lit areas

Limit your use of public Wi-Fi as much as possible.

  • While public Wi-FI networks are incredibly convenient, they are often unsecure. If possible never access your financial accounts or any other sites that require a password when using public Wi-Fi.

Keep your phone password-protected.

  • If you’re not the type to keep a password on your phone, make an exception while traveling.

Check your credit card statements often.

  • To ensure that you can detect fraud as early as possible to minimize damage and make resolution easier check your credit card statements often.

Check your credit report throughout the year.

  • Check you credit report regularly to ensure that everything is in order. If something does not ring a bell look into it. Many credit bureaus provide you with one free report annually. You can stagger these free reports every four months from each bureau to see your report somewhat regularly.

Change your PINs and passwords after a trip.

  • Upon your return change your PINS and passwords especially if you logged into any accounts while on the road or accessed an ATM.

Make sure you properly dispose of all materials that identify you.

  • Shred emails, boarding passes and tickets before tossing them into the recycling bin, as they contain personally identifiable information.

Travel is intended to bring peace of mind so protecting your identity to the extent that you can will help with that.

Gordon Mackey